Alright, so today, whilst looking on eBay for the new Alchemy Gothic bat hair clip (since my hair is now long enough for this sort of thing to look good) I found a new super awesome jeweler whose work is absolutely amazing. Her work is original, fantastical, and best of all, made out of real sterling silver. Not nickle, not steel, not pewter, silver. I was so excited to see this that I've spent the last two hours looking at everything on the site and have come to the conclusion that if I ever win enough money to buy a house, a car, and pay off all my debt, the next thing I'll do is load this lady up with money so that I can have almost everything on her site.

Stegosaurus earrings. You heard right, stegosaurus earrings. Who wouldn't want these? They are absolutely the coolest thing in the entire world... but it gets better... They're discontinued so they're only $30... yeap.

Venus Fly Trap & Fly earrings. $65. What the heck?! Who would have ever thought to make these?! I have to say, that these really really are great. I mean, dinosaurs and weird bug earrings? How can this possibly get better...?
Octopus Ring. $145. Now there is a very large possibility that this could be among the top 100 things ever created. I mean look at it! There are tentacles underneath the ring. Now, I don't know about you guys, but I sleep in my rings and never take them off except when using weird cleaning products. But, if I had this ring I'd be takin' it off all the time to show people the badass suction cup marks on my finger. *jumps up and down* But there is still one that outdoes even this...

Bat Flock Ear Climber. $55. What can I say, this is absolutely something that I have to own. Think of it just hanging out next to my orbital piercing on my right ear. I mean hell, if I had to just to make it look all the cooler, I'd take the orbital right out and wear this bad boy everyday (ok maybe not...). I have never ever seen something like this made with a bat motif and now that I have, I have to say I'm blown away by how awesome it is.
Anyway, this woman has an amazing talent to craft jewelry. She has sci-fi themes, dragons, fairies, geckos, frogs, bats, garlic, gingko leaves, armadillos, hippos... if you like jewelry you can find something you love on her site and the ear cuffs and climbers are the most beautiful pieces of all. Also, anything you see can also be made in 14k gold. Please please please check her own and buy her stuff.